This year Urte and Lutecia are your Piscopia Representatives at King’s College London. Watch this space to hear about their events planned this year, and feel free to get in touch in you have questions about doing a PhD or if you would like to get involved!

Our Members

Lutecia (she/her)

Lutecia is doing a PhD in Statistics as part of the BiPAS (Biological Physics Across Scales) CDT at King’s, undertaking interdisciplinary research between Statistics and Bioinformatics. Currently, she is working on developing statistical methods to further understanding of an element of the immune system.  Before her PhD, she graduated with a BSc MPhys in Physics where her thesis focused on the integrability of a 1D quantum system. Please feel free to reach out to discuss her experiences in interdisciplinary research and/or working before starting a PhD!


Urte (she/her)

Urte is doing a PhD in Applied Mathematics as part of the Disordered Systems group at King’s, working on applications of statistical physics tools to high-dimensional inference and theory of deep learning. She has a BA in Maths and Philosophy and a MSc in Applied Maths. Do not hesitate to reach out and ask about her experiences! In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, running and film photography.



Previous Committees

2022-2023 (Co-founders)

  • Urte Adomaityte
  • Lutecia Servius

Page last updated: 15/09/2023